
it really doesn't get much more diy than this:
abbiamo le magliette di radio onda d'urto, tutte-le-taglie e tutte-nere.
se ne voleste una scriveteci una mail a dirtywaves@hotmail.it

Ci trovate al nostro banchetto alla festa di liberazione (MM2 lampugnano) fino a qualche imprecisata data alla metà di luglio.


jr ewing interview

1. Your new record Maelstrom is about to come out, how as it been to work on
it? Did anything change for you since you’ve signed with a major label?
I’ve never had as much fun recording an album as with “Maelstrom”. It just
felt right from an early stage, we were experimenting and working with people that had a
whole new idea on how things should sound, and it has been an inspiring process. We had
the time for once to fully emerge ourselves in the making of an album, and not just
record it in a week and hope it would sound good.We had no intentions on signing to a
majorlabel in Norway until they came in when the record was almost done, and wanted to hear
some of it.When they heard it, they wanted to sign us, and it’s been a nice experience so
far. It’s ONLY for Norway, and as we live in such a small country, we wanted someone who
could make it available for everyone here.They had nothing to say on our music or anything
artistic. If that was the case, we wouldn’t even have talked to them. More and
more bands are doing what we’re doing, and it’s often just because band wants to be dealt
with professionally. There’s a lot of hocus pocus in the hardcore and indie-world,
sadly enough, which scares away a lot of bands.

2. What is your relationship now with GSL? Are you planning to release Maelstrom
through GSL in the states or stick with Columbia\Sony BMG?

We still love GSL, and still keep in touch with them. As far as who’s going to
release it outside of Norway, nothing is confirmed. It won’t be Sony, I think. We just
want someone who can spread it widely so we can tour full on.

3. When and by who is Maelstrom going to be released in the rest of Europe?
Hopefully this year.

4. You’re about to start touring with Maelstrom and for now you’ve posted on
your website dates for Norway only, are you going to do a full European tour, maybe after the
When the record is done, we will tour all over. We also want to go lots of
places we haven’t been yet, like Asia and Australia.

5. Since you’ve managed to put out a record with GSL and been able to tour the
US, have you ever thought about moving as a band from Norway to the US?

We’ve thought about it, as living in a desolate northern country really isn’t
the easiest place to get your music across, but we’ve seemed to manage it well so
far. The US has big plus-sides, but a lot of really negative ones too. I don’t think I could
live there, but touring there is cool. We’ll see what happens.

6. From what I’ve heard Maelstrom is kind of different from your past releases,
how was it like to spend two months in the studio recording this record? Was the
material already before entering the studio or did you end up writing in the studio?

We were kind of prepared, but things changed drastically in the studio too.
Especially vocally, our producer Mike and our singer Andreas bonded musically and
spiritually, making the vocal-side of JR Ewing a whole new aspect of our band. We’re
extremely proud in how things have progressed, and the fact we could indulge in the studio for 2
months was liberating. No clock on the wall, just the 6 of us trying to make the best
record we could possibly make.

7. In what do you feel Maelstrom is different from Ride Paranoia and your other
releases?Are you happy about the way the record has turned out to be?

Once they get “over” the fact that it’s more melodic, people will discover it
has the same nerve, honesty and energy as with every JR Ewing record. It’s just a
different way of channeling your emotions. It is a different record because it’s a better

8. How was it like to shoot a video for Fucking & Champagne? Did you have any
fun shooting it?

Shooting video is always lame, and it’s just all work and in the end it never
really looks the way you want it too. We did ours in one night, and it looks like one
nights work. Oh well, works for it’s purpose I guess.

9. What does Maelstrom mean?
That we can’t tell you. It’s a word you can look up in the dictionary, but
what it “means” is for you to find out.

thanks Erlend!


Volevamo ringraziare tutte le persone che sono state coinvolte, a vario titolo, con dirtywaves durante quest’ anno, prima di tutto i gruppi intervistati durante la trasmissione: Seed’n’Feed, Minnie’s, Super Elastic Bubble Plastic, El Thule, La Crisi, La Quiete e With Love; Malleus, Ron Donovan e Chuck Sperry per le interviste, Erica il Cane e Cecilia per averci fatto i flyer, Fede per averli stampati; Robin Laananen, Shelby Cinca e Steve Kille per aver risposto alle nostre domande via email. C'è un altra intervista che speriamo di mettere su a breve, ad Arlie John Carstens dei Juno\Ghost Wars. Volevamo ringraziare anche Riot Records per aver organizzato il concerto dei Frammenti e averci dato la possibilità di mandarlo in diretta e Dario per aver disegnato il poster, il Controprogetto per averci fatto organizzare una serata nel loro spazio e i PussyWarmers per averci suonato. Kobra e tutti i Veracrash, Silva, Edo e Luca per esserci passati a trovare e aver messo su i dischi.
Tutte le persone della radio a Milano e a Brescia, e chiunque abbia avuto tempo da dedicarci.

È stato un anno difficile per problemi tecnici e per problemi di cui ad ora non sembra esserci soluzione, ma quello che ci rimane di questo secondo anno di dirtywaves non è sicuramente questo.
Speriamo che chiunque sia stato ospite a dirtywaves si sia divertito – per quanto possibile – e speriamo di avere la possibilità di fare dirtywaves per il terzo anno: per noi sarebbe qualcosa di importante al di là di ogni altra cosa.
Marco & Elia.

Against the pigs, for the real wave.

prossime date:
25 giugno fogintheshell + anthitesis + raein + funeraldiner @ cs Vittoria, Milano.
26 giugno sonic youth + fantomas, Ferrara

e ultima tracklist dell'anno [total nonsense]

butthole surfers – who was in my room last night? – independent worm saloon – capitol 1993
frammenti – fiume di discorsi – new days rising – boisleve records comp fr 1997
plot to blow up the eiffel tower – failure on vain street – revelation 2005
funeral diner – two houses – the underdark – alone records 2005
converge – in harms way – when forever comes crashing – equal vision 1998
nine inch nails – the hands that feeds – with teeth – I nothing 2005
qotsa – in my head – lullabies to paralyze – interscope 2005
bruce springsteen – devils & dust – devils & dust - columbia 2005
the cassettes – lonesome sound – O’er mountain – alice 2003
veracrash – sicario – ep 2005
primal scream – shoot speed\kill light – live

magari una puntata ancora prima dell'estate la facciamo...stay tuned?


Il concerto dei Frammenti sabato è stato mandato in diretta alla radio e se tutto va bene recuperemo la settimana prossima la registrazione. Se sarà possibile cercheremo di mandare anche altri concerti in diretta, magari prima dell'estate. Al di là della diretta un grazie a chi ha organizzato e collaborato al concerto. Grazie sopratutto per aver comprato\mangiato i panini alla nutella così magari riusciamo a sostituire qualcosa, che lo studio sta cadendo a pezzi!


Poster by Cactusindustry.com

Volevamo ringraziare Nico dei With Love per l'intervista di ieri sera. A ottobre ci sarà una presentazione del CD\DVD A Great Circle a Milano dove i With Love suoneranno l'intera colonna sonora, purtroppo quest'estate non suoneranno in giro ma stanno lavorando per poter fare un tour italiano. Il disco uscirà per l'autunno e anche in Italia uscirà per la GSL, invece per quanto riguarda il cd per la Green Records, si intitolerà Physical e uscirà anche questo intorno all'autunno con una parte video, booklet che documenterà i primi anni dei With Love.


Volevamo ringraziare Luca per essere venuto in studio e aver messo su un po' di canzoni fra cui:
Page 99, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Arcade fire, Malady etc.
Questa era la penultima puntata di dirtywaves di quest'anno, giovedì prossimo ci sarà l'ultima.

Sabato a Leoncavallo, organizzato da Riot Records e in diretta su Radio Onda d'Urto:

Frammenti +
Derozer +

ore 22.30
Leoncavallo, Via Watteau 7 - Milano


Domani ci sarà l'intervista con Nico dei With Love con cui parleremo dell'uscita di A Great Circle,
della presentazione alla Fabrica e della sua presenza all'interno di Deficit! - Festival internazionale sullo spettacolo contemporaneo. I With Love pubblicheranno il prossimo disco per la GSL e questo è quello che c'è scritto sul loro sito:

GSL is very pleased to announce the Fall 2005 release of "A Great Circle", the new full-length album and U.S. debut from Italian quartet WITH LOVE. A dark, brooding and, at times, quite disturbing amalgamation of post-hardcore noise (think BLACK DICE) and restless, abstract punk, WITH LOVE have arrived at something peculiar and compelling, a distinctive new approach to artistic hardcore. To add a unique twist to the upcoming release, the band will also be including a DVD of a short film, also entitled "A Great Circle", a companion piece created by vocalist Nico Vascellari, who is an accomplished visual artist and filmmaker in his own right. Meanwhile, for those of you reading this in Italy(!), Nico will be exhibiting the film in a series of gallery and festival appearances over the coming months:
May 27: Fabrica , Treviso (Italy)
June 7: Raum, Bologna (Italy) - International Festival of Contemporary Art aka "Deficit!"
August 11-15: Time in Jazz Festival, Berchidda (Italy)



Grazie a Malleus per l'intervista. Speriamo che dirtywaves possa andare in onda anche settimana prossima...comunque speriamo che vi sia piaciuta l'intervista con Chuck Sperry e Ron Donovan [Firehouse].

Questa la tracklist di questa sera:

Braniac – Vincent come on down - Hissing Prigs in Static Couture – touch & go 1996

Fantomas – 10\04\2005 – suspended animation – ipecac 2005

Raein – faithless - raein/daitro split 10" - ape must not kill ape records / pure pain sugar 2004

Orchid – epilogue of a car crash – chaos is me – ebullition

Dillinger escape + mike patton - when good dogs do bad things – irony is a dead scene – epitaph 2002\ buddyhead 2004

Shellac - watch song – 1000 hurts – touch & go 1999

Year future – win\win – GSL 2003

The icarus line - love is happiness – mono – buddyhead\crank 2003

June of 44 – lusitania – tropics and meridians – touch & go 1991

Questi i link:

